ToTal gYm
Premiere FliP CHarT
Exercises #5 and #6 require the Wing Attachment or Flexibility Bar.
#5 squaT
Unhook arm pulley cable. Attach
Wing Attachment or Flexibility Bar.
Position rails on desired resistance
level. Roll glideboard toward height
adjustment column and sit at the bottom
of the glideboard. Lay back. Place
feet slightly spaced on attachments.
Bend knees to 90°. Then push against
attachments until legs are straight.
musCle grouPs exerCiseD:
Quadriceps, Buttocks, Calves
#6 DeCline abDominal
Unhook arm pulley cable. Attach
Wing Attachment or Flexibility Bar.
Start in the Squat position (#5) on the
glideboard. Place arms on chest. Lift
head and shoulders off board crunching
the abdominal area. Back should remain
on the glideboard. Lay back and repeat.
musCle grouPs exerCiseD:
Upper and Lower Abdominals
Intermediate Exercises for Men & Women