ToTal gYm
Premiere FliP CHarT
#3 buTTerFlY
Hook arm pulley cable.
Grasp handles and sit at the top of
the glideboard facing away from the
height adjustment column. Stretch arms
behind you with palms forward. Pull
arms in an arc to chest height in front
of you. Keep back straight. Slowly allow
arms to stretch back behind you again.
Arms should be slightly bent while
performing this exercise. Repeat.
musCle grouPs exerCiseD:
Front Shoulders, Chest, Biceps,
#4 seaTeD row
Hook arm pulley cable.
Grasp handles and straddle the top
of the glideboard facing the height
adjustment column. Sit with arms
stretched in front of you naturally.
Keeping your back straight with your
palms facing each other at shoulder
width distance, pull into your rib cage.
Slowly return to original position.
musCle grouPs exerCiseD:
Upper Back, Trapezius, Biceps
Starter / Beginner Program Exercises