ToTal gYm
Premiere FliP CHarT
#32 TwisTing squaT
Unhook arm pulley cable.
Lay at bottom of glideboard with feet
placed firmly on the Wing Attachment
or Flexibility Bar. Bend knees twisting
to one side. Straighten legs so the
glideboard slides up the rail. Bend
knees again, twisting to the other side.
musCle grouPs exerCiseD:
Thighs, Calves, Hips, Buttocks,
Front Thighs
#33 Tennis baCkHanD
Hook arm pulley cable.
Grasp one handle and sit sideways on
the glideboard (feet may also be placed
on the floor). Cross handle in front of
your body. Pull the cable straight across
the front of your chest to a position
directly lateral to your body. Keep wrist
straight. Repeat.
musCle grouPs exerCiseD:
Rear Deltoid, Forearm, Biceps, Lats,
Sports Specific Exercises
Exercise #32 requires the Wing Attachment or Flexibility Bar.