ToTal gYm
Premiere FliP CHarT
Exercise #18 requires the Wing Attachment or Press Up Bars.
DaYs 1 anD 3
#18 FronT Press
Unhook arm pulley cable. Attach
Wing Attachment or Press Up Bars.
Lay face down on glideboard so chest
is at bottom. Grasp Wing Attachment
or Press Up Bars, palms down, and
push until arms are fully extended. Then
slowly lower until chest is even with
palms. Repeat.
musCle grouPs exerCiseD:
Shoulders, Triceps, Chest
#3 buTTerFlY
Hook arm pulley cable
Grasp handles and sit at the top of
the glideboard facing away from the
height adjustment column. Stretch arms
behind you with palms forward. Pull
arms in an arc to chest height in front of
you. Keep arms slightly bent. Repeat.
musCle grouPs exerCiseD:
Front Shoulders, Chest, Biceps
Advanced Exercises for Men and Women