© 2008 TOPEX S.A.
select "Actions > Add System" and the following window will appear, asking you to
add another TOPEX
system to the configuration.
Here you must set the parameters assigned to your gateway.
Assign a Directory name for your VoxiPlus Gateway System into the field “Directory”
The name types in Directory field means the folder in where the files downloaded from the
TOPEX system will be stored. On HDD it will be made a directory in the following shape
"cfg_xxxxxxx" where directory is the name typed in the "Directory" field. The folder will be
created on HDD in the directory where the executable 'gwconfig.exe' is located.
Assign the Name for the connection to your System into the field “Name”
This names is concatenated at "cfg_" and this it will be the text used in tree structure (OAM
configuration) for identifying the system.
Specify the type of communication – IP or serial
You must check IP communication or serial communication option – it is specified link type
between OAM computer and radio equipment. These are the two exclusive options for the
communication with a TOPEX gateway equipment.