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2.4.4 MPAI
MPAI are configurable universal telephony interface cards. MPAI means multiprotocol analog
programmable interface cards, which are configurable - they may be equipped with different types of
analog interfaces.
Such a MPAI card is a motherboard with internal slots where you may insert analog interfaces
(SLIC) that are achieved on small separate PCBs (daugtherboards). These analog interfaces may be
simple or double, a simple interface takes up a single slot, while a double one requires two slots
located side by side. Analog SLIC interfaces are available for the following types of telephone
interfaces: FXS, FXO, LB and E&M. The most common used (FXS sand FXO) are single slot, while
the special types Local Battery or E&M types require two slots each.
Thus, a MBAI board may be configured as 8 (eight) FXS or FXO ports, but only for 4 (four)
E&M ports.
The piggy-back SLIC system ensures versatility and ease of repair:
- you purchase a MPAI card, then according to the requirements of your application you order
SLIC daughterboard for FXO, FXS or other types of phone lines;
- if you need an additional FXO port, for instance, you must purchase and configure only the
SLIC for the respective port, not a whole MPAI card;
- should your application require different types of telephone interfaces, they may be ordered
later, and if you need a non-standard interface, it will be developed;
- in case of failure, you just replace the defective SLIC for the respective FXS / FXO / E&M port,
not the whole MPAI card.
mounting on MPAI card (configurable universal card)
The SLIC daughterboard is
connected to MPAI mother
card by means two 2x13
connectors (A) and is fastened
to MPAI with a screw that
goes into a black plastic
spacer (B) – see the pictures
Insert the „male” SLIC
connectors into the „female”
conenctors of MPAI, through
light pressing.