however three (3) limitations due to which one will not be able to use the parallel ports
for data transfer even if such ports are available both in the receiver and the computer.
The first limitation is the requirement that the computer runs under Windows 95, 98 or
. The
second limitation is that your computer’s parallel port must be configured as ECP or ECP+EPP. The
third limitation is that the option
Parallel Port
must have been enabled in the receiver.
Selecting the
Exclusive mode
checkbox will allow one to increase considerably the data trans-
fer speed, especially if 115200 or a higher baud rate has been set. Note however that using this op-
tion will disable most of the processes running inside the receiver (including the satellite tracking
process) in order to ensure the highest possible file transfer speed.
One more note about downloading the receiver log files onto the computer.
If the
Exclusive mode
checkbox is not selected, one can start downloading
the current log file without closing it first. The downloading process will stop at
the moment when EOF is reached in the log file.
However the receiver will continue to write new data to the log file after that.
This method has two drawbacks. First, the download progress indicator can occa-
sionally display values exceeding 100%. Second, the last record can be corrupt in
the downloaded file. If
Exclusive mode
is on, it is impossible to start down-
loading the current log file without closing it first. In other words, if the
Exclusive mode
checkbox has been checked and one wants to start down-
loading the current log file, PC-CDU will automatically close the log-file after the
download is finished.
Use the
button to erase unnecessary log-files in the receiver memory.
To delete a group of log files, click on any one of them, then hold down the [
] key and select
the rest of the files, and finally press the
To delete a group of adjacent log files, click on the first of them, then hold down the [
] key
and click on the last of the files, and finally press the
Log files that have inadvertently been deleted from the receiver memory can be
restored with the command
. One can send this com-
mand to the receiver from the
Manual Mode
dialog window. The user is able
to recover deleted files only if he/she has not recorded any new files in the re-
ceiver memory since these files were removed. Otherwise, it cannot be guaran-
teed that the deleted files can be successfully restored.
With the
button the user can reload the list of the receiver log files.
to close the
File Manager