Tidland Leaf Shaft
MI 27L691995 1 L
Page 7
Rubber Tube Fitting Designs
This is a brief overview of the the new clamp system and some common rubber tube assemblies. Please call
Maxcess if you have questions about your shaft assembly configuration.
If your replacement rubber tube assembly looks like this
=== then the shaft has a hole bored in the journal to accept the rubber tube
assembly with two o-rings as shown.
Remove your old rubber tube assembly (page 9) and install the new one,
pushing the tube assembly firmly into the socket in the journal.
See page 8 for using the hose clamp design with bulk rubber tube material.
If your replacement rubber tube assembly looks like this
=== then the shaft has a hole bored in the journal to accept the rubber tube
assembly with a male o-ring connector, pictured at right.
Remove your old rubber tube assembly (page 9) and install the new one,
pushing the tube assembly firmly into the socket in the journal.
See page 8 for using the hose clamp design with bulk rubber tube material.
If your replacement rubber tube assembly looks like this
===then it is directly interchangeable with older shaft designs. There are
fewer parts: rubber tube, tube fitting and hose clamp, pictured at right.
Remove your old rubber tube assembly (page 9) and install the new one,
pushing the tube assembly firmly onto the o-ring connector in the journal.
See page 8 for using the hose clamp design with bulk rubber tube material.
If your replacement rubber tube assembly looks like this
Remove your old rubber tube assembly (page 9) and install the new one,
pushing the tube assembly firmly onto the o-ring connector in the journal.
If you are using re-using your tube fittings with bulk rubber tube material,
see instructions starting on page 11.