TIDE and Tibbo BASIC User Manual
©2000-2008 Tibbo Technology Inc.
The string containing the file name of the next directory
member or an empty string if all file names have already
been returned. The method also affects the state of the
. The following status codes are possible:
0- PL_FD_STATUS_OK: Completed successfully.
1- PL_FD_STATUS_FAIL : Physical flash memory failure
2- PL_FD_STATUS_CHECKSUM_ERR: Checksum error has
been detected in one of the disk sectors (fatal).
3- PL_FD_STATUS_FORMAT_ERR: Disk formatting error
has been detected (fatal).
8- PL_FD_STATUS_NOT_READY: The disk is not mounted.
See Also:
Walking Through File Directory
The length of returned data will automatically be truncated to the capacity of the
receiving string variable.
Each time you invoke this method, internal directory "pointer" is incremented by
one. Therefore, repeated invocation of the method will allow you to read out the
names of all files currently found on the disk. Use
to move the pointer back to zero. To get the names of all files, you can invoke the
fd.getnextdirmember repeatedly until the empty string is returned or for the fd.
getnumfiles number of times.
This method returns its execution status indirectly, through the fd.laststatus R/O
property. All possible status codes generated by this method are "generic" and are
not described here.
.Getnumfiles Method
Returns the total number of files currently stored on the
fd.getfreespace() as word
0-65535, also affects the state of the
. The
following status codes are possible:
0- PL_FD_STATUS_OK: Completed successfully.
1- PL_FD_STATUS_FAIL : Physical flash memory failure
2- PL_FD_STATUS_CHECKSUM_ERR: Checksum error has
been detected in one of the disk sectors (fatal).
3- PL_FD_STATUS_FORMAT_ERR: Disk formatting error
has been detected (fatal).
8- PL_FD_STATUS_NOT_READY: The disk is not mounted.
See Also:
Walking Through File Directory