Programming with TIDE
©2000-2008 Tibbo Technology Inc.
When pausing a program in the midst of code execution, the
appears. In the Call Stack pane, the function which currently contains the program
pointer is highlighted in yellow. It is the currently executing function, so it is
always the first one on the Call Stack list.
Technically speaking, the top function on the call stack isn't actually a
part of the stack itself, because it is currently executing, and the real
stack only contains functions to which execution should later return. It
still appears on the same list, for consistency and convenience.
The Stack Pointer
Double-clicking on any procedure within the call stack which is not the currently
executing procedure would display the stack pointer. This pointer would be
displayed in the source code, within the procedure you double-clicked, and would
highlight the line from which execution would resume once control returns to this
procedure. The
would also interpret variables as relative to the
procedure you've just highlighted.
The stack pointer is light blue in color. On the call stack list, it looks like this:
In the code editing pane, it looks like this:
Once again, double-clicking on the functions in th call stack does not move actual
execution (the program pointer). Any sort of stepping would bring back the yellow
program pointer, both in the source code and in the call stack.
The following commands in the Debug menu control stepping into, through and out
of various sections of your code: