K-Cube Brushed DC Servo Motor Driver
- displays the range of travel (in millimeters or degrees) of the motor.
- lit when the motor is in motion.
- applies power to the motor. With the motor enabled, the LED in the button
is lit.
Digital display
- shows the position (in millimetres or degrees) of the motor. The
motor must be 'Homed' before the display will show a meaningful value, (i.e. the
displayed position is relative to a physical datum, the limit switch).
- sends the motor to its 'Home' position - see Appendix E
LED in the button is lit while the motor is homing.
- lit when the motor has previously been 'Homed' (since power up).
- halts the movement of the motor.
Limit switches
- the LEDs are lit when the associated limit switch has been activated
- see Appendix E
Section E.2.3. for further details on limit switches.
Settings display
- shows the following user specified settings:
Driver -
the type of control unit associated with the specified channel.
- the stage type and axis associated with the specified channel.
Calib File
- the calibration file associated with the specified channel. See the
APTConfig utility helpfile for more details on assigning and using calibration files.
Min/Max V
- the minimum velocity at which a move is initiated, and the maximum
velocity at which the move is performed. Values are displayed in real world units (mm/
s or degrees/s), and can be set via the 'Settings' panel (see Section 6.3.).
- the rate at which the velocity climbs to, and slows from, maximum velocity,
displayed in real world units (mm/s/s or degrees/s/s). The acceleration can be set via
the 'Settings' panel (see Section 6.3.) and is used in conjunction with the Min/Max
velocity settings to determine the velocity profile of a motor move. See Appendix E
Section E.1.3. for more information on velocity profiles.
Jog Step Size
- the size of step (in mm or degrees) taken when the jog signal is
initiated. The step size can be set either via the Settings panel or by calling the
SetJogStepSize method.
Settings button
- Displays the 'Settings' panel, which allows the operating
parameters to be entered for the motor drive - see Section 6.3.
- when this button is pressed, the display on the front panel of the associated
hardware unit will flash for a short period.
- lit when the unit is operating normally and no error condition exists.
- lit when a fault condition occurs. The Error LED is lit if the difference between
the trajectory generator position (i.e. the demanded motor position) and the actual
position, exceeds 10000 encoder pulses. Typically this can occur transiently if the
maximum velocity specified for the move exceeds the maximum drive velocity of the
motor being controlled.