K-Cube Brushed DC Servo Motor Driver
8) Windows
should detect the new hardware. Wait while Windows
installs the
drivers for the new hardware.
Stage identification
Most of the stages compatible with the KDC101 controller are fitted with an
identification device. On power-up the KDC101 reads the stage identification and
loads the correct operating parameters associated with the stage. When the controller
is used with APT software, the type of stage is also reported to the GUI. However,
some legacy stages are not fitted with an identification device. For correct operation
these must be selected manually after power up.
If, on power-up, the controller is able to determine the type of the stage connected, it
will load the operating parameters associated with that stage and the OLED display
will show "Stage connected: <type of stage>", as shown in Fig. 3.4. In this scenario,
no further action needs to be taken.
If, however, the stage is not fitted with an ID (e.g. Z825V, CR1-Z7) the user can
manually select the correct stage and persist the setting. To facilitate this, the OLED
display menu contains a menu option called "Select stage". For stages that are not
fitted with an ID resistor, the user needs to use the "Select stage" menu option and
manually identify the stage connected to the controller - see Section 4.4.11. for further
details. This only needs to be done once: on subsequent power-ups the controller will
assume that the stage type has not changed, unless it detects a stage that is fitted
with an ID resistor. To indicate that the stage type is assumed rather than identified,
the OLED power-up display screen will show "Stage persisted: <stage type> (No ID)"
to warn the user that the type of the stage is only assumed and may not be correct..
Fig. 3.5 Start up display - no stage ID
If any problems are encountered during the connection and power up
process, power cycle the unit, which should clear the error.
T h o r l a b s K D C 1 0 1
S w R e v 0 2 0 0 0 4
S t a g e p e r s i s t e d :
Z 8 2 5 < n o I D >
A t 0 . 0 0 0 0 m m
S t o p p e d V