HA0363T Rev D Jan 2017
Chapter 4
Menu Option - Brightness
In certain applications, it may be necessary to adjust the
brightness of the LED display. The brightness is set as a
value from 0 (Off) to 100 (brightest). The display can be
turned off completely by entering a setting of zero,
however, pressing the MENU button on the top panel will
temporarily illuminate the display at its lowest brightness
setting to allow adjustments. When the display returns to
its default position display mode, it will turn off again.
Press the MENU button, then use the wheel to scroll
through the menu options.
Press the MENU button to enter the Brightness option.
Use the wheel to adjust the brightness, then press the
MENU button to store the selection and return to the main
Menu Option - Disp.Timeout
'Burn In' of the display can occur if it remains static for a
long time. To prevent this, the display is automatically
dimmed after a specified time interval.
Press the MENU button, then use the wheel to scroll
through the menu options.
Press the MENU button to enter the Disp.Timeout option.
The time out interval is specified in minutes in the range
1 to 480. The adjustment is done in steps of 1 minute if the
timeout is between 1 to 10 minutes, 10 minute steps
between 10 minutes and 1 hour, and 30 minute steps
above, up to a maximum of 480 minutes. After 480
minutes there is an option for Never.
The dim level can only be adjusted via the Settings panel
- see Section 6.3.4.
Press the MENU button to store the selection and return to
the main display.
A t 0 . 0 0 0 0 m m
H o m e d S t o p p e d V
M e n u o p t i o n s
U s e w h e e l
M e n u o p t i o n s
7 B r i g h t n e s s
B r i g h t n e s s = 6 7
t o a d j u s t
A t 0 . 0 0 0 0 m m
H o m e d S t o p p e d V
A t 0 . 0 0 0 0 m m
H o m e d S t o p p e d V
M e n u o p t i o n s
U s e w h e e l
M e n u o p t i o n s
8 D i s p . T i m e o u t
A t 0 . 0 0 0 0 m m
H o m e d S t o p p e d V
A f t e r 2 m i n
t o a d j u s t