Thermo Scientific Orion Star
and Star Plus Meter User Guide
Chapter XII
Data Archiving and Retrieval
Datalog and Calibration Log
All 3-Star Plus and the 4-Star Plus pH/ISE meters have a 1000 point datalog .
The 4-Star Plus pH/conductivity and pH/dissolved oxygen meters have a 750 point
datalog . The 5-Star Plus meters have a 500 point datalog . The 2-Star meter has
a 50 point datalog and all Orion Star meters have a 200 point datalog .
The Star Plus meter printouts have been enhanced to include additional information .
The pH and ISE calibration printouts now include the average slope, the slope
between points and the E
per point . The polarographic dissolved oxygen printouts
now include slope, membrane temperature and solution temperature .
Automatic Datalog Feature
The 3-Star, 4-Star and 5-Star Plus meters have been enhanced to include an
automatic datalog feature that can be turned on or off . To enable the automatic
recording of data into the datalog:
1 . In the measurement mode, press
2 . Press
is displayed on top line .
3 . Press
to accept the selection and move the arrow icon to the middle line
and press
is displayed .
4 . Press
to accept the selection and move the arrow icon to the bottom line
and press
is displayed .
5 . Press
to accept the selection and move the arrow icon to the top line .
6 . Press
to save the setup option and return to measurement mode .