ROSS Ultra, ROSS Ultra Triode and ROSS pH Electrodes
Thermo Scientific Orion
This user manual contains information on the preparation, operation
and maintenance of the Thermo Scientific
ROSS Ultra
Thermo Scientific
, and Thermo Scientific
All ROSS pH electrodes have a pH range of 0 to 14, pH precision of
0.01 and temperature range of 0 to 100°C. ROSS electrodes can be
used in samples that contain TRIS, sulfides and proteins since they do
not contain silver or mercury.
ROSS electrodes incorporate the distinctive ROSS internal reference
system that provides superior measurement stability, faster response,
greater accuracy and more reproducible results than conventional
electrodes. ROSS electrodes have a double junction reference, so
the fill solution can be modified to more closely match the sample
composition in high pH, low pH or non-aqueous solutions.
ROSS electrodes provide readings stable to 0.01 pH in less
than 30 seconds, even in the extreme case of samples varying from
one another by 50°C or more. Results are three to five times more
precise than those obtained with conventional electrodes. Over the
lifetime of the electrode, ROSS reference potential drifts less than an
average 0.12mV per day, which corresponds to 0.002 pH units, so
recalibration is minimized.
The majority of ROSS electrodes with a BNC waterproof or BNC
connector have a one meter (three foot) long cable, except where
All electrodes with a screw cap connection require a separate cable.
Electrodes with a waterproof BNC connector can be used on any pH
meter with a BNC connection.
The 800500U ROSS Ultra reference half-cell and 800300 ROSS
reference half-cell can be used with the 8101BNWP and 8101SC
ROSS pH half-cell electrodes or 8411BN ROSS sodium half-cell
ROSS Electrode Families
ROSS Ultra Electrodes
ROSS Ultra electrodes offer the ultimate measurement stability and the
least long-term drift, plus a two year warranty for refillable models and
an 18 month warranty for gel-filled models.
ROSS Ultra pH/ATC Triode Electrodes
ROSS Ultra pH/ATC Triodes have a built-in temperature probe,
so pH and temperature are measured with one electrode.
Gel-filled ROSS Ultra pH/ATC Triode electrodes have an 18 month
warranty and refillable ROSS Ultra pH/ATC Triode electrodes have a 24
month warranty.