Low-volume measurements with SkanIt Software
Creating a new measurement session
Thermo Scientific μDrop and μDrop Duo Plates User Manual
Thermo Fisher Scientific
The demo sessions contain different protocols for photometric quantification of nucleic acids and
proteins with representative results. They also contain ready-made calculations for concentrations as
well as purity values. For detailed descriptions and instructions for using a certain session, refer to the
field of the session in question. The sessions can be imported to SkanIt Software and taken into
use either as they are or after modifications. For more details about SkanIt Software, refer to the
Thermo Scientific™ SkanIt™ Software for Microplate Readers Technical Manual
(Cat. No. N16046).
To be able to follow the Lambert-Beer’s law for calculating the concentration of nucleic acids and
proteins, the light pathlength of the sample has to be known and it has to be expressed in cm.
The μDrop Plate has a fixed nominal pathlength of 0.05 cm (0.5 mm).
In the case of the μDrop Plate, the pathlength provided in the certificate (in cm) has to be used in the
Lambert-Beer's equation to calculate the concentration of the target molecules.
In the case of the μDrop Duo Plate, two pathlengths are provided (one for each 2x8 matrix), and these
values need to be separately used in the calculations for the unknown samples located in each matrix.
In the provided sessions, example pathlengths (of, for instance, 0.049 or 0.051 cm) are used in the
calculation step of SkanIt Software. For accurate calculations, replace those values with those given on
the quality control measurement report of the individual μDrop or μDrop Duo Plate. After replacing
the pathlength(s), save the modified session.
User-made sessions
To create measurement sessions for the μDrop and μDrop Duo Plates, follow the normal SkanIt
Software procedure. However, there are certain special features to observe:
1. Plate Layout
Use the
Thermo Scientific μDrop Plate
Thermo Scientific μDrop Duo Plate
plate template in
SkanIt Software. Select the correct template from the
Change plate template
dropdown menu, see
With Varioskan LUX, use the 96-well adapter for a plate without a lid (ID no. 2).