Heart Beat Configuration:
Heart Beats Configuration
Keep Alive Time
The keep a live directive sets the interval between heartbeat
packets. It is specified according to the Heartbeat time syntax.
Dead Time
The dead ping directive is used to specify how quickly Heartbeat
should decide that a ping node in a cluster is dead. Setting this
value too low will cause the system to falsely declare the ping
node dead. Setting it too high will delay detection of
communication failure.
This feature has been replaced by the more flexible pingd
resource agent in Pacemaker, and should no longer be used.
Warn Time
The warn time directive is used to specify how quickly Heartbeat
should issue a "late heartbeat" warning.
Init Dead Time
The init dead parameter is used to set the time that it takes to
declare a cluster node dead when Heartbeat is first started. This
parameter generally needs to be set to a higher value, because
experience suggests that it sometimes takes operating systems
many seconds for their communication systems before they
operate correctly.
Communications Configuration
The udp port directive specifies which port Heartbeat will use
for its UDP intra-cluster communication. The default value for
this parameter is UDP 694 port.
Heartbeats interface
Select interfaces are used for heartbeat communications.
Auto Fail Back:
In legacy Heartbeat clusters, the auto failback option would
determine whether a resource would automatically fail back to
its "Active" node, or remain on whatever node is serving it until
that node fails, or an administrator intervenes. The possible
values for auto failback were: