Configuration Items
This chapter contains instructions for making configuration changes on ProtectServer client and server
systems. The procedure for editing configuration items is different for ProtectServer 3 External HSMs, client
machines, and systems hosting ProtectServer 3 PCIe HSMs. Please refer to the section relevant to your
"Client/PCIe HSM Server Configuration" on the next page
"ProtectServer 3 External Server Configuration" on page 89
Configuration options are described here:
"Network Mode Client Configuration Items" on page 91
"PCI Mode Client Configuration Items" on page 91
"Network Mode Server Configuration Items" on page 93
"Software Emulator Mode Configuration" on page 95
"Specifying the Network Server(s)" on page 95
During installation, configuration items are created on the host system. Configuration changes are made by
editing the values associated with these items. This chapter describes how to make such changes on your
Item values can exist at four configuration levels. When a configuration item is queried, item locations are
searched in order of level precedence:
Any changes made at the temporary configuration level override any corresponding entries at
the user, system, and default levels.
Changes made at the user level override any corresponding entries at the system and default levels.
System changes override default-level entries.
If no changes have been made at any other level, the default value for the configuration item is
used. Default configuration values cannot be changed.
On Windows operating systems, user and system configuration information is stored in the Registry. On Linux-
based systems, configuration files are used. Temporary configuration items are applied using environment
variables on both Windows and Linux-based platforms.
Regardless of the platform, a common naming convention for configuration items has been followed.
Understanding this naming convention will help you locate and change the appropriate configuration items
when required.
Thales ProtectServer 3 HSM and ProtectToolkit 7 Installation and Configuration Guide
2021-06-30 10:29:48-04:00 Copyright 2009-2021 Thales Group