Pipeline Operation Overview
In the DC phase portion of Figure 5–7, one box is empty because a NOP was
the eighth instruction in the fetch packet in DC and no functional unit is needed
for a NOP. Finally, the figure shows six functional units processing code during
the same cycle of the pipeline.
Registers used by the instructions in E1 are shaded in Figure 5–7. The multi-
plexers used for the input operands to the functional units are also shaded in
the figure. The bold crosspaths are used by the MPY instructions.
Most ’C62x instructions are single-cycle instructions, which means they have
only one execution phase (E1). A small number of instructions require more
than one execute phase. The types of instructions, each of which require differ-
ent numbers of execute phases, are described in section 5.2,
Pipeline Execu-
tion of Instruction Types.