Getting Started
The faults shown on the right side of the block representation are associated with the output. These
include output over-voltage (OV), power good status (PGD), output over-current (OC), and over-
temperature (OT). There is also an indicator if the output is in the latched off state (LO). The device
latches the output off after the number of user-programmable retries is exceeded. To clear the latched off
condition, the output can be toggled off and on by the red power button located in the top right of the
LM5066I block representation.
To show a repetitive update of the device telemetry and status, click the Play button at the top of the
screen. The Play button starts an active telemetry log of the gathered data. Clicking the Stop button stops
the telemetry collection and allows for the log file to be viewed and saved. The Pause button pauses both
the displaying and logging of telemetry information.
To enable or disable specific telemetry, click the Display Options button on the block representation and
choose the desired telemetry to display (see
Figure 12. LM5066I Telemetry Display Options
Note that turning off the various warning options does not mask the faults from issuing an SMBus alert; by
turning off warning options, the selected warnings are just not displayed if they occur. The device is
capable of masking various faults, and this functionality can be setup in the device configuration panel.
GUI Event Log
A GUI event log is provided to keep track of GUI configuration changes and device fault events. To
display the event log, select View from the main menu bar, then Telemetry Data Log. The event log
appears on the left side of the main GUI window. The event log can be detached and expanded if desired
by left clicking on the event log window and dragging the window with the mouse to the desired location.
SNVU444 – May 2014
LM5066IEVM-626 Evaluation Module (EVM)
Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated