Software Operation
SLAU467D – November 2012 – Revised February 2017
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Copyright © 2012–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated
ADS42JB46, ADS42JB49, and ADS42JB69 Evaluation Module
Table 3. ADC Controls Window Descriptions
Reset and Power Down
Device Reset
Automatically clears the device, so only a single mouse click
is needed
Stand By
ADC is placed into standby mode. Both ADCs are powered
down (input clock buffer and CML output buffers are alive)
Ch A Power Down
Turn ON and OFF channel A
Ch B Power Down
Turn ON and OFF channel B
Input Clock
Input Clock Divider
Internal clock divider for input sample clock
High Input Freq
Change as necessary for input frequencies over or under
Digital Gain Controls
Enable Gain A
Enables digital gain for channel A
Ch A Gain
Set gain for channel A between -2.7dB to 6dB
Ch A FS Voltage
Automatically sets the equivalent Full-Scale Input Voltage
when the CH A Gain is set
Enable Gain B
Enables digital gain for channel B
Ch B Gain
Set gain for channel B between -2.7dB to 6dB
Ch B FS Voltage
Automatically sets the equivalent Full-Scale Input Voltage
when the CH B Gain is set
Digital Test Patterns
Ch A Test Pattern
Select from 12 different test patterns to be applied as inputs
to JESD block for channel A
Ch B Test Pattern
Select from 12 different test patterns to be applied as inputs
to JESD block for channel B
Custom Pattern 1
Add in a custom 16-bit test pattern 1 for both channels
Custom Pattern 2
Add in a custom 16-bit test pattern 2 for both channels
Output Modes
Data Format
Set the digital output data format
CML Drive Strength
Changes JESD output buffer current
Flip Data Bit Order
Output data order is reversed: MSB – LSB
Over Range Detection Controls
Which Ovr on Ovr Pin?
Select if normal or fast OVR signal is presented on OVRA,
OVRB pins
Fast OVR Threshold
Set the input voltage level at which the overload is detected.
The threshold at which fast OVR is triggered is (full-scale ×
[the decimal value of the FAST OVR THRESHOLD bits] /
Ch A Fast OVR Voltage
Overrange indication channel A (Ch A FS Voltage × [Fast
OVR Threshold / 127])
Ch B Fast OVR Voltage
Overrange indication channel B (Ch B FS Voltage × [Fast
OVR Threshold / 127])