Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Software Operation
SLAU467D – November 2012 – Revised February 2017
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Copyright © 2012–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated
ADS42JB46, ADS42JB49, and ADS42JB69 Evaluation Module
Software Operation
The software GUI allows full programming control of the ADS42JBxx and LMK04828 devices.
Figure 6
shows the GUI front panel which contains a block diagram of the ADS42JBxx. Clicking on the ADS42JBxx
tab allows configuration of the settings for the device. Detailed descriptions for each screen of the GUI are
given in this section. Please refer to the datasheet (ADS42JB46 -
, ADS42JBx9 -
) for
more detailed explanations of the register fields.
Top Level GUI Controls
Figure 6
shows the top-level view of the GUI which contains the block diagram of the ADS42JBxx. Along
the top of the GUI are four tabs that can be used to navigate and configure the device. Also on the top-
right is the
The Reconnect FTDI?
Button, this Button can be used to initialize the FTDI device in case it
was disconnected. The USB Status indicator is provided to show that the GUI is successfully connected to
the EVM. If the USB is disconnected or the device isn't communicating, then the green indicator light will
turn off. Additionally, monitoring the power supply current when toggling the power down mode is a simple
way to verify that the GUI is communicating with the device.
Figure 6. Top-Level Block Diagram Window of the ADS42JBxx GUI