TMPE627 User Manual Issue 1.0.2
Page 16 of 34
4.7.1 ADC
4 kV ESD HMB rating on analog input channels
±55 V power-off and overvoltage protection
Input Impedance
>1 G
Input Capacitance
5 pF
Common-Mode Input Range
±11 V
Table 4-13: ADC Electrical Interface
All analog inputs are connected through a low-pass filter, an overvoltage protection device and a high input
impedance buffer amplifier to the ADC.
Low-pass filter
Figure 4-2: ADC Input Circuit
The absolute input voltage limit for the analog inputs is ±11 V relative to ground for each pin. The common
mode range is limited by the buffer amplifier.
Input Range
(by datasheet)
Full scale range
Absolute input
Binary Format
±10.24 V
20.48 V
±5.12 V
Two’s Complement
±10 V
20 V
±5 V
Two’s Complement
±5.12 V
10.24 V
±2.56 V
Two’s Complement
±5 V
10 V
±2.5 V
Two’s Complement
0 V to 10.24 V
10.24 V
10.24 V
Straight Binary
0 V to 10 V
10 V
10 V
Straight Binary
0 V to 5.12 V
5.12 V
5.12 V
Straight Binary
Differential, Antiphase Inputs with a Zero Common Mode
Due to the wide common mode input voltage range the differential signal can be almost anywhere in the
allowed range, i.e. in the “±10 V” input range a ±5 V differential signal can have an offset (or common mode
voltage, (VIN+ + VIN–)/2 ) of 8 V without problem.
The single-ended input ranges are intended for input signals where VIN+ remains over VIN-. Usually VIN- is
connected to AGND and VIN+ is used as a standard single-ended input. However, the input signals are
allowed to swing with an arbitrary relationship to each other, provided each pin remains within the common
mode range and VIN+ remains over VIN-.