TIP810 Version 3.0 User Manual Issue 3.0.4
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2 Compatibility with TIP810 V1.0, V2.0
The TIP810 V3.0 uses the SJA1000 CAN controller as a replacement of the PCA82C200 CAN
controller which was used on the TIP810 V1.0. The TIP810 V2.0 also had used the SJA1000 CAN
controller, but only in a PCA82C200 compatible way.
The SJA1000 CAN controller on the TIP810 is register-, pin- and function-compatible with the
PCA82C200 if operating in the
“BasiCAN" Mode
. This mode is the default mode for the SJA1000
CAN controller after power-on.
In the
“PeliCAN" Mode
the SJA1000 CAN controller supports the full CAN2.0B protocol specification
plus additional features.
Setting the SJA1000 Operation Mode:
The modes can be switched via bit 7 in the Clock Divider Register if the controller is in reset mode.
For a detailed description of the SJA1000 CAN controller, it’s operating modes and additional features
please refer to the SJA1000 data sheet, which is part of the TIP810-ED V3.0 engineering