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2.2 Completeness of a set
2.2.1 Main delivery set includes: display and control unit, pneumometric primary converter
(PPC) with a sensor having length 0.5 m, users guide.
2.2.2 On the order the device can be completed with primary converters for temperature
measurement (PCT) of both gases and other environments, adapter for connection to a personal
computer (RS-232 interface) with appropriate software, storage battery with battery charger, ac-
cessory sensors for PPC of various lengths (up to 0.75 m).
2.3 Functional principle and construction design
2.3.1 The device functional principle is similar to the principle of the pneumometric tubes of
Pito-Prandlia type.
2.3.2 KPDM-1 is a portable digital device with autonomous power supply.
2.3.3 PPC consists of a signal sensor (pneumometric tube of Pito-Prandlia type with a di-
ameter of 6 mm) and primary signal conversion unit (micromanometer) placed in a cylindrical body
frame rigidly connected with the sensor through a pneumoconnector and performing a function of a
handle, with the help of which a sensor is held in the required position.
2.3.4. Display and control unit is connected to the primary converter with a flexible four-core
electric cable with length 1.5 m with connector on its end, if necessary battery charger, adapter
and probe for temperature measurement are connected to the same connector of control unit.
2.3.5. The device appearance and location of controls are shown on figure 1.
2.4 Marking
2.4.1 The device marking is drawn on the body frame of the display and control unit and
the device conventional value;
serial number and year of issue.
2.4.2 PPC marking is drawn on the end surface of the body frame and contains a serial
2.4.3 Marking is drawn by the method accepted by the manufacturer.