C.A.R. 4000 (English)
If you have changed the album entry for a title and you want to extend the change to the re-
maining titles of the compilation or your selection, press the soft key marked “ALL”. The trans-
fer of course only refers to the currently selected line—to import a track name for all relevant
titles makes so little sense that we have disabled the soft key in this case.
In addition to the information shown in the browser (artist, compilation, track), you can also
change or add other attributes to a title. Navigate to where you want to go with the up and
down buttons, press the wheel, edit, press the wheel again. Finished.
This arrow represents your personal evaluation of the title, the ranking. You have a total of
five evaluation stages, from top (
) to average (
) to flop (
). If there is no ranking infor-
mation, the title is automatically ranked as average.
In the
range you can classify the title into a specific genre or mood from a list.
If this information has not been set (in the case of a recording or import), it is set to other or
The Release year on the right (2001 in this case) is set to the year of recording or import if
there is no other information. The range can be set from 1920 to today.