C.A.R. 4000 (English)
The icon shown here represents the current status of your C.A.R. 4000.
Playback is being prepared
The title is being rewound or
Playback is running
or fast-forwarded, or being played back at
a different speed
The device is recording
No active recording or playback
The playback is in pause mode
The EJECT button was pressed
In contrast to most other HiFi devices, other titles can be preselected during playback with the
C.A.R. 4000. If you have started playback and then you want to return to selection mode, you
only need to press the wheel or the up and down buttons. The PLAYBACK displayed in the
upper left corner disappears and the current selection level is shown again. If you want to
return to the playback window, press the button labeled ESC or wait for 10 seconds.
A personal collection of titles.
Proceed as above and the titles in the selected compilation will be played back. In our exam-
ple this is the complete album 'I am Not A Doctor'. But you can also compile your own play
list. First, proceed as described above and select a title with the browser, switch to the title
level with the down button and now press the selection wheel. You have now selected this
title and appended it to a list.
You can of course append complete albums, samplers or other previously compiled lists to
this list. Press the selection wheel on the Compilation level. The illustration shows how your
selection is acknowledged—the corresponding line is reversed for a moment. You can repeat
this process for as many titles as you want and the list will be extended accordingly.
If you have selected several titles and want to start playing them, first press the “ESC” button
in the browser and then PLAY ( ), because pressing ESC takes you automatically to the first
entry on the list.