The “Monitoring” page provides information about the state of the relays and digital input.
The state of the relay can be changed by appropriate “ON/OFF” button. To change the state of
relay for a while, “Pulse” button should be pressed. Duration of the pulse is specified in “Pulse Duration”
field of “I/O Setup” page.
Three buttons are located on the bottom of the page:
“All ON” – click on this button will turn all relays ON
“All OFF” – click on this button will turn all relays OFF
“Pulse All” – click on this button will change the states of all relay outputs for a time,
specified in “Pulse Duration” field of “I/O Setup” page.
Account page
In this page
authentication details for WEB access to
can be set. Only one user is
Network Setup page
The Network parameters are set on this page.
For “IP configuration” and “MAC address” section, following parameters can be changed:
IP configuration
– IP Address can be static or dynamic (DHCP server should be present in
the network);