IB 340857 (03--2007)
INSTALLATION: (w/strobe light (13) installed
onto overhead guard)
1. Pull the insulation away from the operator
compartment panel and drill a 13/16” hole
into the panel. If there is already a hole in the
panel, remove the plug from the hole. Refer
to Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.
FIG. 1
FIG. 2
2. Insert a grommet (10) into the hole in the
operator compartment panel and the hole on
top the overhead guard. Refer to Fig. 3 and
Fig. 4.
FIG. 3
FIG. 4
3. Route the wires from the strobe light (13)
down through the grommet (10) installed in
the overhead guard and use two hex screws
(2), two flat washers (3), and two hex nuts
(4) to install the light onto the overhead
guard. Refer to Fig. 4.
4. Connect the warning/overhead harness (9) to
the main wire harness, route the warning/
overhead harness through the grommet (10)
installed in the operator compartment panel,
up along leg of the overhead guard, and to the
rear cross member of the overhead guard.
Refer to Fig. 9 and Fig. 10.