Snappi System User Manual
Document No: 053-05 v19
Page 28 of 66
March 2013
Snappi System User Manual.doc
5.4 Fitting the Pelvic Strap
Unless a 4-point pelvic strap (Fig 5.4.2) is
ordered, the seat will come provided with a
2-point pelvic strap (Fig 5.4.1) fitted as
Fig 5.4.1 (Supplied as standard)
Fig 5.4.2(Optional Extra)
The pelvic strap should be fitted to the seat
such that the 2 padded areas are facing the
back of the seat (so that they will be against
the child when he / she is in the seat)
To fit the 2-point pelvic strap to the old-style
Snappi, (which can be distinguished by
having only one cam-lock buckle on each
Open the cam-lock buckles (these are
located on the bottom left and right corners
of the seat base).
Feed the webbing of the strap through the
cam lock. (See Fig 5.4.3)
Fig 5.4.3
Fig 5.4.4
Adjust the length of the pelvic strap by
pulling the webbing through the cam buckle
until it is at the required length. (Fig 5.4.4)
Once adjusted, lock the cam buckle on both
sides to secure the strap.
Important: The pelvic strap must be located
as low down over the hips as possible. It
must not cross the stomach of the
Top Straps