SMS Command list
Every SMS command begins with password. Please check it in SMS settings. If password field is
blank, then every command begins with space character. I.e. '<password><space>getgps' or
'<space>getgps' when password field is blank.
Figure 21. SMS password settings
Also AT1000 accepts commands only from authorized and/or server modem numbers. If
'Authorized Numbers' table is left blank, then AT1000 accepts commands from any number.
SMS commands are:
getver – gets firmware version;
getstatus – current status about device and general working conditions;
getinfo – statistic and other information about device;
getops – provides a list of currently visible GSM operators;
getgps – sends last GPS fix information – coordinates, time, etc.
Response details
Code Ver
Firmware version
Device IMEI
Device ID
Device ID is used to detect which type of configuration to load
Bootloader Ver
Version of modem application
Modem REV Ver
Modem Firmware version
Example: Code Ver:00.00.29 Device IMEI:353976010139156 Device ID:000001 Bootloader
Ver:03.13 Modem REV Ver:05.95.00