F. Set Time
Set Time allows the user to set the current time in the receiver. All time is entered in 24 hour format.
When this feature is selected by pressing the FN key, the following display appears:
When this screen is displayed, the highlight will be on the hours digits
(HH). Pressing the UP/DN keys changes the selection between 00 to 23.
(Holding down either key will allow the numbers to increment/decrement
at an increasing rate.) When the correct number is displayed, pressing the
FN key advances the highlight to the minutes selection (MM). Pressing
the UP/DN keys changes the selection between 00 to 59. (Holding down either key will allow the
numbers to increment or decrement at an increasing rate.) When the FN key is pressed following the
selection in minutes, the receiver is programmed with the time shown and the screen reverts back to
the Setup Menu Level 2 display screen.
Line 1
Set Time
Line 2
Line 3
UP/DN Select
Line 4
FN Advances
G. Set Date
Set Date allows the user to set the current date in the receiver. Dates are in the following format:
yyyy.mm.dd. When this feature is selected by pressing the FN key, the following display appears:
When this screen is displayed, the highlight will be on the year position
(yyyy). Pressing the UP/DN keys changes the selection between 2000 and
2050. (Holding down either key will allow the numbers to increment or
decrement at an increasing rate.). When the correct number is displayed
the FN key advances the highlight to the month selection (mm). Selection
between 01 and 12 is accomplished using the UP/DN keys. When the correct number is displayed the
FN key advances the highlight to the day selection (dd). Selection between 01 and 31 is accomplished
using the UP/DN keys. When the FN key is pressed following the selection of day, the receiver is
programmed with that date and the screen reverts back to the Setup Menu Level 2 display screen.
Line 1
Set Date
Line 2
Line 3
UP/DN Select
Line 4
FN Advances
H. Sw Closure
Switch Closure (Sw Closure) allows for programming the amount of time the output switch is held
closed following the receipt of a new message. This switch closure is a transistor “open” drain switch
and is brought out of the receiver through the auxiliary connector located on the top of the receiver.
When this feature is selected by pressing the FN key, the following display appears:
When this screen is displayed pressing the UP/DN keys changes the
selection between 00.0 and 99.9 seconds in 0.1 second increments.
(Holding down either key will allow the numbers to increment or
decrement at an increasing rate.) When the desired number is displayed,
pressing the FN key programs the receiver and the screen reverts back to
the Setup Menu Level 2 display screen. This feature is sometimes used to
trigger an external device such as a camera or alarm when a message is received.
Line 1
Sw Closure
Line 2
xx.x Seconds
Line 3
UP/DN Select
Line 4
FN Set
I. Squelch
Squelch allows the user to adjust the squelch. The operation of the squelch is similar to standard
narrow band FM receivers. When this feature is selected by pressing the FN key, the following display
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