Jupiter SL869 EVK User Guide
1VV0301126 Rev.0 – 2014-01-23
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Mod. 0810 2011-07 Rev.2
Commands Description
The table below summarizes the set of commands for the SL869:
Command ID
Test packet
Acknowledge packet
Output system message
Hot Restart: Use all available data in the NV Store.
Warm Restart: Don't use Ephemeris at re-start.
Cold Restart: Don't use Time, Position, Almanacs and Ephemeris
data at re-start
Full Cold Restart: It’s essentially a Cold Restart, but additionally
clear system/user (factory status)
DGPS correction data source mode
Enable to search a SBAS satellite or not.
Set NMEA sentence output frequencies.
Set power saving operation mode.
Query current NMEA sentence output frequencies.
API_Query_Pwr_Sav_Mode Query power saving operation mode.
DGPS Data Source Mode
Enable to search a SBAS satellite or not.
NMEA sentence output frequency setting
Power saving operation mode
Query the version information of FW
Version information of FW.
Unless otherwise noted in the SL869 V2 SW User Guide document, commands are echoed by
the SL869 V2 after the command is executed.