Jupiter SL869 EVK User Guide
1VV0301126 Rev.0 – 2014-01-23
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Mod. 0810 2011-07 Rev.2
SL869 V2 Evaluation Board
Figure 2 SL869 V2 EVK Assembly Drawing
LED that is tied to the USB to UART bridge RX line. The LED blinks
whenever it receives data from the module.
LED that displays the 1PPS output of the module
ON switch
Applies power to the EVK
Backup power
Place a shunt jumper to enable application of Battery Backup 3.3V
Module power
Place a shunt jumper to enable application of 3.3V to the module. Do
not remove.
ANT power
Place a shunt jumper to apply 3.3V to an external active antenna.