S42 Hardware User Guide
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When using the TIO firmware and applications, call control can be supported by GPIO[4].
Driving GPIO[4] to logic High level during a data transfer phase will “hang up” the
connection and disconnect the Bluetooth link. This signal may be mapped to DSR, if an
RS232-style (DTE-type) interface is used. Please refer to S42\Central AT
Command Reference for a functional specification. GPIO[4] can be left unconnected if this
feature is not used.
4-Wire Serial Interface
If the host in question is sufficiently fast, a four-wire scheme may be successful. Connect the
serial lines UART-RXD, UART-TXD as well as UART-RTS# and GND; leave UART-CTS#
open. The host is required to stop sending data within a short time after de-assertion of
UART-RTS# (there is room for up to 4 more characters at the time RTS# drops).
: UICP has to be deactivated permanently in this configuration, because signal
UART-CTS# and IUR-IN# become inputs with no PU or PD if UICP is active. This would
cause floating CMOS inputs.
It is strongly recommended to use hardware flow control in both directions. Not using flow
control can cause a loss of data.