S42 Hardware User Guide
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Document Organization
This document contains the following chapters:
“Chapter 1: “Introduction”
provides a scope for this document, target audience, contact and
support information, and text conventions.
“Chapter 3: General Product Description”
gives an overview of the features of the product.
“Chapter 3: Application Interface”
describes in details the interfaces of the product.
describes the signal mapping and specification.
“Chapter 5: Electrical Characteristics”
describes in details the characteristics of the product.
“Chapter 6: Mechanical Characteristics”
describes the mechanical characteristics.
provides some fundamental information on conformity and
“Chapter 11: “Safety Recommendation”
provides some safety recommendations that must be
follow by the customer in the design of the application that makes use of the S42.
Text Conventions
Danger – This information MUST be followed or catastrophic equipment failure or bodily
injury may occur.
Caution or Warning – Alerts the user to important points about integrating the module, if
these points are not followed, the module and end user equipment may fail or malfunction.
Tip or Information – Provides advice and suggestions that may be useful when
integrating the module.
All dates are in ISO 8601 format, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD.