blue PiraT2 / 5E / 5E
User Guide
Datum: 21.09.2016
Seite 43 von 71
10.6 MOST25
blue PiraT2 MOST25
data logger is able to log messages from the MOST25 bus of the
following types.
MPR (Maximum Position Register), SBC, Light on, MOST Lock Flag
Control Messages
MDP (MOST Data Packet)
Control Messages on/off, Packet on/off, MDP on/off, Status on/off,
MDP Transmit and Receive Address, Packet Length
Table 10.5: MOST25 data logging
The SMSC SpyNIC MOST25 is used to provide the MOST25 traffic data. The data logger is not
an active part of the bus system because it is working in a spy mode. The device is able to log
messages immediately after wake up.
Before the logging data are saved on the hard disk, they are buffered in a ring buffer. In the
case of a data rate peak, which exceeds the storage rate of the hard disk, storage of data is still
If the MOST25 data rate is permanent higher than the maximum storage rate, the data logger
will stepwise deactivate channels: first the MDP channel, then the control channel and at last
the status messages.
To ensure logging of maximum continuous data blocks a hysteresis is implemented. Before log-
ging MDP messages again, the ring buffer data has to be fully stored on the hard disk. Before
starting the logging of the MDP
messages again the system sends a “Lost Message”. This mes-
sage contains information about how many messages of which type were rejected.
10.7 MOST150
blue PiraT2 MOST150
data logger is able to log messages from the MOST150 bus of the
following types.
MPR (Maximum Position Register), MDC (MOST Data Channel), Light On,
System Lock Flag, Shut Down Flag, Ring Lock Flag, Open Ring/Multi Master
Flag, Node Position
Changes of the states are only logged when the state is changing.
Control Messages
MDP (MOST Data Packet),
MEP (MOST Ethernet Packet)
Control Messages on/off, Packet on/off, MDP on/off, MEP on/off, Status on/off,
MDP Transmit and Receive Address, Packet Length,
MEP Receive Address, Message Length
Table 10.6: MOST150 data logging
The SMSC SpyNIC MOST150 is used to provide the MOST150 traffic data.