blue PiraT2 / 5E / 5E
User Guide
Datum: 21.09.2016
Seite 39 von 71
10.2 LIN
The blue PiraT2 is able to record data compliant to the LIN specification V1.3, V2.0 and V2.1.
The data logger does not actively appear as a bus member. Sending LIN messages is currently
not supported.
Up to 4
Transmission rate
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 20000 Baud
Parity BITS, format Check for Header,
Checksum for Header and Payload
Terminating resistor
30 kOhm
Table 10.2: LIN
LIN data blocks and time stamps
Each LIN message receives a time stamp, which marks the end of the message. If the data log-
ger receives LIN data without a valid header, it creates blocks containing the erroneous data.
The maximum block size is 10 bytes. A block is also concluded after a timeout, which is three
times the transmission time of a LIN character.
LIN transceiver
The blue PiraT2 uses the LIN transceiver TJA1020 by NXP (former Philips Semiconductor).
Supported baud rates are in the range from 1200 to 20000 Baud. Automatic baud rate detection
is currently not supported. The LIN interface is configured as a slave device with a terminating
resistor of 30 kΩ.
Special frames and states
Additionally to the normal frame data, the following information is recorded:
Wake-Up Frames
Checksum Errors