Piranha4 8K Camera Color User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
1. The Piranha4 Color Camera
Camera Highlights
Based on Teled yne DALSA's u niqu e CMOS color line scan sensor arch itectu re, the new Piranha4 8k
bilinear color cam era p rovid es ou tstand ing signal-to-noise for high sp eed im aging.
The P4-8k has 8k resolu tion w ith a 7 µm x 7 µm p ixel size for op tim ized op tical d esign. The cam era
d elivers a m ax line rate of 50 kH z in a high resp onsivity su m m ing m od e.
Precise sensor alignm ent sim p lifies m u ltip le cam era calibration at t he system level. GenICam ™ or ASCII
com m and -com p liant interfaces m ake the cam era easier to setu p , control, and integrate. Program m ability
inclu d es exp osu re control, flat field correction, and gain settings.
The Piranha4 8k cam era is id eal for p rinting insp ection, p rinted circu it board , solar cell, film , and large
form at w eb insp ection.
Key Features
CMOS color bilinear line scan
8k p ixel resolu tion
Line rates u p to 50 kH z, 70 kH z w ith AOI ap p lied
Exp osu re control
100x antibloom ing
RGB, BGR, RG / BG, or G ou tp u ts
Cam era Link interface
GenICam or ASCII com m and -com p liant interfaces
Save u p to eight sets of correction coefficients
Ad ju stable gain and offset
White balance and color correction
Lens and shad ing correction w ith d efocu sing cap ability
Test p attern and d iagnostics
Mu lti-AOI ou tp u t allow s faster line rates
Printing insp ection
H igh p erform ance d ocu m ent scanning
Film insp ection
H igh throu ghp u t ap p lications