Piranha4 8K Color Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
RGBG 8 bit CL Deca, max line rate 51 kHz without AOI and 85 MHz CL clock
only 8190 p ixels transm itted , no color interp olation
This tim ing can be u sed for ap p lications that requ ire line rates u p to 51 kH z and therefore m u st u se
Cam era Link Deca m od e and tw o cables.
Du e to the band w id th lim itation of Cam era Link Deca, it is only p ossible to ou tp u t the tw o lines of the
color sensor—w here one 8K line is green and the other 8K line is alternating red and blu e p ixels —as 4K
of each. This is d efined as the RGBG form at. The RGBG ou tp u t form at is not d efined in the Cam era Link
sp ecification for Deca. The RGBG form at is su ch that w hen u sing a Cam era Link fram e grabber
com p atible w ith the Deca form at configu red for the m ono stand ard , the R, G, B and then G p ixels w ill be
w ritten sequ entially into the fram e grabber bu ffer. This p rocess sim p lifies the extraction of the RGBG d ata
from the fram e grabber bu ffer by the host ap p lication. H ow ever, the fram e grabber or host ap p lication
w ill need to p erform the necessary red and blu e interp olation to generate RGB p ixel d ata. This
interp olation op eration w ill increase the am ou nt of p ixel d ata by 50%. Line rates u p to 70 kH z can be
achieved by u sing the Area of Interest (AOI) featu re, w here the sm aller the AOI resu lts in increased
p otential line rates.
: w hen u sing an AOI w ith this RGBG m od e, you m u st consid er the available (i.e. p otential lack of) red
and blu e p ixel d ata at the AOI bou nd aries w hen they are p erform ing interp olation.