Piranha4 8K Color Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Appendix A: GenICam
This ap p end ix lists the available GenICam cam era featu res. Access these featu res u sing the Cam Exp ert
Featu res listed in the d escrip tion tab le bu t tagged as
are typ ically reserved for Teled yne DALSA
Su p p ort or third p arty softw are u sage, and n ot typ ically requ ired by end u ser ap p lications.
Camera Information Category
Cam era inform ation can be retrieved via a controlling ap p lication. Param eters su ch as cam era m od el,
firm w are version, etc. are read to u niqu ely id entify the connected P4 d evice. These featu res are typ ically
read -only.
The Cam era Inform ation Category grou p s inform ation sp ecific to the ind ivid u al cam era. In this category
the nu m ber of featu res show n is id entical w hether the view is Beginner, Exp ert, or Gu ru .
Featu res listed in the d escrip tion table bu t tagged as
are u su ally for Teled yne DALSA or third
p arty softw are u sage—not typ ically need ed by end u ser ap p lications.
A note on the CamExpert examples show n here: The examples show n for illustrative purposes and may
not entirely reflect the features and parameters available from the camera model used in your