Piranha4 8K Camera Color User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Software Interface
All the cam era featu res can be controlled throu gh the Cam Exp ert interface. For exam p le, u nd er the
Sensor Control m enu in the cam era w ind ow you can control the line rate and exp osu re tim es.
: the cam era u ses tw o Cam Exp ert w ind ow s to send com m and s and d isp lay the resu lts. One w in d ow
controls the cam era and the other is u sed for im age acqu isition and d isp lay.
Figure 15. Two CamExpert window shown. One connected to the frame grabber and one to the camera.
At this p oint you r host and cam era system shou ld be setu p and you can verify the cam er a‘s op eration by
retrieving a test p attern and setting the camera‘s trigger and exposure time.