Linea 2K and 4K Monochrome Line Scan Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
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Disp lay list of th ree letter com m and s (2K help screen show n)
N otes
LA (03-081-20315-00 ): Command Line Interpreter Jan 15 2014,
ccf - Calibrate User FPN <2048|4096>
clm - Camera Link Mode <0:Base 1:Med 2:Full>
cls - Camera Link Speed <0 - 77MHz, 1 - 49MHz>
cpa - Calibrate Flatfield <0:basic 1:filter><2048|4096><DN
dek - disable ESC key <0/1>
ffm - Flat Field Mode <0:Off 1:On 2:Initialiaze>
gcp - Display Camera Configuration
get - Get value '<string>
h - Help
? - help '<string>
lpc - Load Pixel Coefficients <set 0-8>
rc - Reset Camera
roi - Set Flatfield ROI <1st pixel> <last pixel>
rpc - Reset Flatfield Coefficients
sac - Set AOI Count <value 1-4>
sad - Set AOI Selector, Offset and Width <selector 1-AOI Count>
<1st pixel> <width >= 40>
sam - Set AOI Mode <1-enable, 0-disable>
sbh - Horizontal Binning <1|2>
sbr - Set Baud Rate <9600|57600|115200|230400|460800>
sbv - Vertical Binning <1|2>
sem - Exposure Mode <0:Int 1:Ext>
set - Exposure Time <ns>
smm - Mirroring <0:Off 1:On>
spf - Pixel Format <0:8 bits 1:10 bits 2:12 bits>
ssb - Offset <DN>
ssf - Internal Line Rate <Hz>
ssg - Gain <0:System> f<gain>
stm - External Trigger <0:Off 1:On>
sui - Set User ID
svm - Test Pattern <0-1>
usd - Default User Set <0-8>
usl - Load User Set <0-8>
uss - Save User Set <1-8>
vt - Temperature
vv - Input Voltage