Linea 2K and 4K Monochrome Line Scan Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
GenICam parameters to set:
I / O Controls > Trigger Mode > On
Camera Control > Exposure Mode > Trigger Width
When ru nning external line rate and extern al exp osu re tim e, the line rate m u st not exceed 1 /
(exp osu re tim e + 1 µs). Und er these cond itions the exp osu re tim e w ill becom e ind eterm inate and resu lt in
im age artefacts. This is not the case w hen ru nning internal exp osu re control .
3. External Line Rate, Programmable Exposure Time
In this m od e, the line rate is set externally w ith the falling ed ge of EXSYN C generating the rising ed ge of
a p rogram m able exp osu re tim e.