Linea 2K and 4K Monochrome Line Scan Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Display Name
Su ccess
Su ccess
The last file op eration has com p leted
su ccessfu lly.
Failu re
Failu re
The last file op eration has com p leted
u nsu ccessfu lly for an u nknow n reason.
File Unavailable
The last file op eration has com p leted
u nsu ccessfu lly becau se the file is cu rrently
u navailable.
File Invalid
The last file op eration has com p leted
u nsu ccessfu lly becau se the selected file in not
p resent in this cam era m od el.
File Op eration Resu lt
FileOp erationResu lt
Disp lays the file op eration resu lt. For Read or
Write op erations, the nu m ber of su ccessfu lly
read / w ritten bytes is retu rned . (RO)
Gu ru
File Size
Rep resents the size of the selected file in bytes.
Gu ru
File Access via the CamExpert Tool
Click on the ―Setting…‖ bu tton to show the file selection m enu.
From the Typ e d rop m enu , select the file typ e th at w ill be u p load ed to the cam era.
From the File Selector d rop m enu , select the cam era m em ory location for the u p load ed d ata. This
m enu p resents only the ap p licable d ata locations for the selected file typ e.