Linea 2K and 4K Monochrome Line Scan Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
4. Camera Operation
Factory Settings
The cam era ship s and p ow ers u p for the first tim e w ith the follow ing factory settings:
Cam era Link Fu ll, 8 bit p ixels
Internal trigger, line rate 10 kH z
Internal exp osu re control, exp osu re tim e 50 µs
1x horizontal and vertical binning
Offset 0, Gain 1x
Check Camera and Sensor Information
Cam era and sensor inform ation can be retrieved via a controlling ap p lication —for exam p le, the
Cam Exp ert GUI show n in the follow ing exam p les. Param eters su ch as cam era m od el, firm w are version,
sensor ch aracteristics, etc. are read to u niqu ely id entify the connected d evice.
The cam era inform ation p aram eters are grou p ed together as m em bers of the Cam era In form ation set.
Figure 9. CamExpert’s Camera Information Window