Linea 2K and 4K Monochrome Line Scan Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Verify Temperature and Voltage
To d eterm ine the voltage and tem p eratu re at the cam era, u se the
Refresh Voltage and Refresh
featu res fou nd in the
The tem p eratu re retu rned is the internal tem p eratu re in d egrees Celsiu s. For p rop er op eration this valu e
shou ld not exceed 80 °C. If the cam era exceed s the d esignated tem p eratu re it w ill stop im aging and the
LED w ill tu rn red . Once you have d iagnosed and rem ed ied the issu e u se the
reset camera
fu n ction.
The voltage d isp layed is the cam era‘s inp u t voltage. The voltage m easu rem ent featu re of the cam era
p rovid es resu lts w ithin 1% of the actu al voltage. Th e m easu rem ent can be u sed to set the ap p lied voltage
to the cam era.
Saving and Restoring Camera Settings
The p aram eters u sed to select, load and save u ser sets are grou p ed together u nd er the Cam era
Inform ation set of featu res. There are 8 u ser sets available and one factory set.
Camera Information
User Set Defau lt Selector
Select the cam era p aram eters to load w hen the cam era is reset or
p ow ered u p as the Factory set, or as User Set 1 to 8.
Selecting the set from the list au tom atically saves it as the d efau lt
User Set Selector
Select the Factory or User set to Save or Load .
-Factory Set
-User Set 1 to 8.
User Set Load
Load the set sp ecified by User Set Selector to the cam era and m ake
it the active / cu rrent set.
User Set Save
Save the cu rrent set as selected u ser set.
Description of the Camera Settings
The cam era op erates in one of fou r settings:
Cu rrent op eration w ith active settings.
User setting.
Factory setting (read -only).
Defau lt setting.
The settings active d u ring the cu rrent op eration can be saved (thereby becom ing the u ser setting) u sing
the User Set Save p aram eter. A p reviou sly saved u ser setting (User Set 1 to 8) or the factory settings can
be restored u sing the User Set Selector and User Set Load p aram eters.
Either the Factory or one of the User settings can be saved as the Defau lt Setting by selecting the set in the
User Set Defau lt Selector. The chosen set au tom atically saves as the d efau lt se tting and is the set load ed
w hen the cam era is reset or p ow ered u p .