Piranha 2 User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Change Description
Ad d ed the follow ing note (or sim ilar) to these sections, "While settings are
being w ritten to nonvolatile m em ory, d o not p ow er d ow n cam era or cam era
m em ory m ay be corru p ted ."
1. Section 3.5, p age 25, second bu llet
2. Page 36, m id d le of p age in calibration section
3. Section 3.18 in the LED d escrip tion table, Blinking Green section
Ad d ed revision history.
Fixed incorrect ± character in m echanical d raw ings.
Up d ated Colorad o Sp rings ad d ress
Ad d ed Ap p end ix D: De-rating Cu rves
Rem oved m axim u m DC Offset sp ecification from Sp ecification table in Chap ter
1 and ad d ed note 6 to refer to Ap p end ix D for DC Offset d e -rating cu rves.
Ad d ed 8k 30MH z m od el to:
Table 1: Op erating Requ irem ents and Ranges (m ax line rate)
Table 7: Piranha 2 30MH z Tim ing
Ad d ed 4k, 10µm m od el to:
Section 1.2 Im age Sensors [Figu re 2: IT-P1 4k Im age Sensor (2k, 4k (10 µm ), 4
tap m od els) ]
Section 1.3 Cam era Perform ance Sp ecifications (p ow er and pow er su p p ly
cu rrent sp ecs)
Ad d ed 2k, 4 tap m od el to:
Section 1.2 Im age Sensors [Figu re 2: IT-P1 4k Im age Sensor (2k, 4k (10 µm ), 4
tap m od els) ]
Section 1.3 Cam era Perform ance Sp ecifications (p ow er and pow er su p p ly
cu rrent, line rate sp ecs)
Ad d ed Figu re 1: IL-P1 Im age Sensor (1k, 2k, 4k (10 µm ), 2 tap m od els) to
Chap ter 4, Mechanical Interface
Up d ated z tolerance from .18m m to .25m m in table 1 and Lens Mou nt table
(p age 47).
Table 1. P2 Op erating Requ irem ents and Ranges, p age 9, revised Typ ical valu es
u nd er Pow er Su p p ly Cu rrent for the 6144 (2/ 4 o/ p ) and 8192 (2/ 4 o/ p ) to
580/ 800 and 620/ 830 m A resp ectively.
Section 2.5, p age 16, "The cam era ship s in..." statem ent revised to read , "The
cam era ship s in exp osure m od e 2 and w ith a 5 kH z line rate."
GCP screen , p age 70, "Sensor Serial N o.: XXXXXXX Sensor serial nu m ber" row
rem oved from table.
-EMC requ irem ents, p age 61, revised to: EN 55022 1998, EN 55024 1998, EN 61326
-Page 9: Op erating Requ irem ent Typ ical
Pow er
4096(10u m )-2 o/ p 7.5
4096(10u m )-4 o/ p 9.6
6144 - 2/ 4 o/ p 7.5/ 9.6
Pow er Su p p ly Cu rrent (Vin = +12V)
4096 - 2/ 4 o/ p 500/ 700
4096(10u m ) - 2 o/ p 600
4096(10u m ) - 4 o/ p 800
6144 - 2/ 4 o/ p 600/ 800
8192 - 2/ 4 o/ p 620/ 840
Содержание DALSA Piranha 2 P2-2x-01K40
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