Piranha 2 User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
to avoid introd u cing oily resid u es, only hold the sen sor from the ed ges of the ceram ic
p ackage an d avoid tou ching the sensor p in s and the w in d ow .
Scratches can be cau sed by im p rop er han d ling, cleaning or storage of the sen sor. Vacu u m
p icking tools shou ld not com e in contact w ith the w ind ow su rface. CCDs shou ld not be
stored in containers w here th ey are not p rop erly secu red and can slid e again st the
Scratches d iffract incid ent illu m ination. When exp osed to u niform illu m ination, a sensor
w ith a scratched w in d ow w ill norm ally h ave brighter p ixels ad jacent to d arker p ix els. The
location of these p ixels chan ges w ith the angle of illu m in ation.
5.3 Cleaning the Sensor Window
Use com p ressed air to blow off loose p articles. This step alone is u su ally su fficient to
clean the sen sor w ind ow .
If fu rther cleaning is requ ired , u se a lens w ip er m oistened w ith alcohol or acetone.
We recom m end u sing lint-free ESD-safe cloth w ip ers that d o not contain p articles that
can scratch the w ind ow . The Anticon Gold 9‖x 9‖ w iper made by Milliken is both ESD
safe and su itable for class 100 environ m ents. Another ESD accep table w ip er is the
TX4025 from Texw ip e.
An altern ative to ESD-safe cloth w ip ers is Tran sp lex sw abs that have d esirable ESD
p rop erties. There are several varieties available from Texw ip e. Do not u se regu lar
cotton sw abs, since these can introd u ce charge to the w in d ow su rface.
Wip e the w ind ow carefu lly and slow ly.
When cleaning lon g linear sensors, it m ay be easier to w ip e along the w id th (i.e. as
op p osed to the length) of the sensor.
Содержание DALSA Piranha 2 P2-2x-01K40
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