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8.3.2 Ground Strap and Radio Verification
CAUTION! Make sure the DC power plant is OFF if the microwave radio is present onsite.
If there is no radio, use the following steps:
WARNING! You will be working close to a hot and return power buss; any touch or short
between the busses will cause extreme damage to the power plant and can be dangerous
to anyone working in the cabinet. MAKE SURE the DC power plant is turned off, all battery
disconnects open, and NO voltage exists between the hot and return main DC busses of
the plant.
Verify that there is no voltage between the DC power plant return buss and the power
plant enclosure frame/ground buss.
Verify that the DC power plant enclosure is ground conductor-connected to the site’s
ground ring.
1. If no voltage is present between the ground buss in the power plant enclosure and the power
plant return buss, remove the rear panel on the enclosure.
2. identify the return buss of the DC power plant (if you cannot positively identify the return
buss, stop.
3. Once you have identified the buss, trace the power return panel cable from the return buss
termination panel to the return buss.
4. Remove the closest nut on the return buss cable connection (one of two that connect the ca-
ble to the buss).
5. Install the new ground cable using the single-hole lug end on the terminal you have just re-
moved the nut from.
6. Reinstall the removed nut and tighten.
7. Connect the other end of the ground cable - the 2-hole terminal/lug end - on the ground buss
located in the rear of the power plant area of the enclosure, using the spare nuts on the buss
8. Re-start the system and normalize the site.
9. Clear the site with the NOC and ensure that no alarms are present and that the site is opera-
tional and on the air.
If a Microwave radio is present,
1. Check the cable connection at the rear of the radio to verify that